Sunday, December 3, 2017

115 Teaching and Non-Teaching jobs in Pt. BD Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak (Last date 22/12/17)

Name of the Post: Various Teaching/ Non-teaching positions
Total no. of Posts: 115 Posts [Teacher (Assistant Professor-Medical/ Non-Medical)-12, Teacher (Assistant Professor- Medical)-59, Teacher (Assistant Professor- super- specialty)-28, General Duty Medical Officer-08, Senior Resident(Dental)-08]
Selection Process: Through Interview.
Location: Pt. B. D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak (UHSR), Haryana.
Educational Qualifications: See detailed advertisement.
Age Limits: See detailed advertisement (Relaxable for reserved categories as per norms)
Last date: 22/12/2017 (APPLY OFFLINE)
Post published at

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