Name of the Post: Various
no. of Posts: 352 Posts [State
Civil Service-10, State Police Service (Deputy Superintendent of Police – Home
Department)-18, State Accounting Service (Accounting Officer – Finance &
Planning Department)-25, Assistant Director (Local Fund Audit Finance
Department)-01, Employment Officer (Skill Development, Technical Education
& Employment Department)-03, Commercial Tax Officer (Commercial Tax
Department)-04, Superintendent (District Jail Department)-03, Assistant
Registrar (Cooperative Department)-03, Jila
Senani (Home Department)-02, Assistant
Project Officer (Panchayat & Rural Development Department)-41, Chhattisgarh
Subordinate Accounting Service Officer (Finance & Planning Department)-58, Child
Development Project Officer (Women & Child Development Department)-21, Subordinate
Civil Service (Naib-Tehsildar under Revenue & Disaster Management
Department)-45, Assistant Superintendent (Revenue & Disaster Management
Department)-31, Commercial Tax Inspector (Commercial Tax Department)-32, Excise
Sub-Inspector (Commercial Tax Department)-13, Deputy Registrar (Commercial Tax
(Registration) Department)-01, Co-operative Inspector (Co-operative Department)-21,Assistant
Jail Superintendent (Home (Jail) Department)-20]
Selection Process: Through
Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission
Location: Chhattisgarh State Services.
Educational Qualifications: Candidates should possess Degree/ Equivalent.
Age Limits: 21-30 years (35 years for Chhattisgarh
residents; Relaxable for reserved categories as per norms)
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