Sunday, April 1, 2012

Faculty Positions in Central University of Rajasthan (April-2012)

Online applications are invited from the eligible candidates for recruitment to the 94 Faculty posts of Assistant Professors, Associate Professors and Professors under the following Schools of education:

* School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computational Sciences
* School of Humanities and Languages
* School of Chemical Sciences and Pharmacy
* School of Engineering and Technology
* School of Commerce and Management
* School of Social Sciences
* School of Architecture
* School of Life Sciences
* School of Earth Science
* School of Physical Sciences

Way to Apply: Interested candidates are required to apply Online at Central University of Rajasthan website online up to 30/04/2012. Hard copy of the system generated application form should reach the following address till 07/05/2012:
Registrar, Central University of Rajasthan, City Road, Kishangarh-305802, Ajmer.

For further details, please visit the following page: