Haryana Staff Selection Commission hereby notify for the information of all concerned that the result of the following categories of posts in respect of such candidates, who were petitioners in the SLP No. 9247 of 2010- Gopal Singh & Others vs State of Haryana and other connected writ petitions and were also STET qualified for the posts of JBT teacher, Science and Math Master, Advt. no. 4/2009, Category 01, 03 & 04 has been declared by Haryana Staff Selection Commission which is available HERE http://hssc.gov.in/pdf/RESULT/RESULT15.pdf
Disclaimer: हमारे इस वेबपेज पर सभी समाचार विश्वसनीय स्रोतों से लेकर प्रकाशित किए जाते हैं। परन्तु फिर भी किसी गलत सूचना के लिए हम उत्तरदायी नहीं हैं। पाठकगण समाचारों व सूचनाओं की पुष्टि अपने स्तर पर कर लें।